To log a platelet count, start from the home screen for the application:
- If you have never logged a platelet count before and are using the app for the first time, tap the Add platelet count button.
- Otherwise, tap the green + (plus) sign in the bottom right corner of the home screen and select the Platelet Count button to log a new platelet count.
To enter the platelet count logging, tap in the box labelled Add new platelet count and use the keypad that appears to enter the platelet count.
To add the date taken, tap on the Add label in the date field, and select the date.
To add a location where the platelet count was taken tap the Add label in the location field, then select the option that best describes the location.
After all mandatory input fields are complete, tap the Done button to complete the platelet count logging.
You will be shown a summary screen that shows your most recent platelet count, and the change from the previous count if available. At this point you can either tap Done to return to the home screen or tap Add another platelet count to add another.